
Sweet syndrome

  Sweet Syndrome (Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis) What is Sweet Syndrome? Sweet Syndrome is a skin condition that causes painful, red or purple bumps and patches. It usually appears on the face, neck, and arms, and is often accompanied by fever and high levels of neutrophils in the blood.   Types of Sweet Syndrome: 1. Classic Sweet Syndrome: The most common form, often affecting young women, usually following mild illnesses or linked to pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, or infections. 2. Malignancy-Associated Sweet Syndrome: This type is connected to cancer, especially blood cancers like leukemia, and may even be the first sign of an underlying cancer. 3. Drug-Induced Sweet Syndrome: Caused by medications like granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), antibiotics, or cancer treatments.   Causes: Classic: Often no clear cause, but can be triggered by infections, pregnancy, or inflammation. Malignancy-Associated: Linked to cancers, especially leukemia. Dru

Dengue Fever

 DENGUE FEVER   Contents: Introduction   Clinical presentation Diagnosis Treatment Diet  Introduction: Dengue fever is a viral infection caused by dengue virus. Dengue virus is an RNA virus of genus flavi virus. — There are four serotypes dengue virus that is DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, DENV-4 — Dengue virus transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito   Aedes aegypti mosquito   Aedes aegypti mosquito known to transmit Dengue virus, Yellow fever virus,  Chikungunya  virus, and Zika virus and it also suggest as a potential vector of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis   virus and studies shown it is capable to transmit West Nile virus as well. Clinical Presentation: Divides into 4 categories :   Dengue without warning sign   Dengue with warning sign   Severe dengue / dengue hemorrhagic fever Dengue shock syndrome   Remember Note: Not all patient goes in all these phases. —   Majority of patient develops dengue without warning sign and they cure self or general treatment.   But few pat