Cubital fossa

Cubital fossa

  • Cubital  ( latin cubitus, elbow ) fossa.
  • Cubital fossa is the homologus with the popliteal fossa.
  • It is triangular hollow shape.


Located on the superior surface of the elbow joint in between arm and forearm.


Laterally  - Brachioradialis

Medially  - Lateral border of pronator teres

Base          - Imaginary line between two epicondyle of humerus ( it is directed upward ).

Apex         - Where brachioradialis crosses the pronator muscle ( it is directed downwards ).

Roof          -  Skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia and bicipital aponeurosis.

Floor        - Brachialis and supinator muscles.

Cubital fossa, Aas, alfaaz-e-aas
Boundaries of the right cubital fossa


Median nerve, brachial artery, biceps brachi and radial nerve.

Applied anatomy

  1. Median cubital vein is use for intravenous injection. 
  2. Blood pressure record by auscultating method from brachial artery.
  3. Determine any abnormalities of the elbow joint like supracondylar fracture.

Image copied from BD Chourasia book


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