Functions of protein in cell mambrane

Functions of Protein in cell membrane

  1. Integral proteins provide the structural integrity of the cell membrane.
  2. Channel proteins help in the diffusion of water soluble substances like glucose and electrolytes.
  3. Carrier or  transport proteins help in the transport of substances across the cell mambrane with the help of active and passive transport.
  4. Some carrier proteins act as a pump, by which ions are transported actively across the cell membrane.
  5. Receptor proteins serve  as the receptor sites for hormones and neurotransmitters.
  6. Some protein molecules forms the enzymes and control chemical (metabolic) reactions within the cell membrane.
  7. Some proteins act as a antigens and induce the the process of antibody formation.
  8. Cell adhesion molecules or the integral proteins are responsible for the attachment of cells to their neighbors or to basal lamina.


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