Functions of W.B.Cs

FunctionsFun of WBC
Functions of W.B.C.

Functions of W.B.Cs

1. Phagocytosis : when bacteria and forign particles invade body, then leukocyte comes out from blood and their psedopodia process engulf and destroy them with the help of hydrolytic enzyme.

2. Antibody formation : lymphocyte are manufacture Beta and Gamma globulin. Which is a part of antibody.

3. Formation of fibroblast: leukocytes converts into fobroblast at the area of inflammation and helps in repair.

4. Manufacture of trephones : they prepare some substance from plasma proteins which have great influence on nutrition, growth and repair. These substance are known as trephones.

5. Secretion of heparin : Basophil secrets heparin which prevents from intravascular clotting.

6. Antihistamine  function : eosinophil have antihistamine or anti allergic function.

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