Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Where are we located?

Madhya Pradesh (India).

Where will we privacy policy be used?

This policy will be used for website only.

What is our website URL?

What is our website name?


Is our website used for commercial purposes?

No our website don't use for commercial purposes.

Can users sign up and create an account on our website?

No, uesers does't create account on our website.

Can users publish content on our website?

Yes, users publish content on our website after recognized by us.

Do we market to children under the age of 13?


Why do we collect information?

To personalize user's experience
To improve the website

Does our website use cookies?

No, we don't use cookies

Does our website respond to "Do Not Track" signals?

Yes, our website respects and follows the '' Do Not Track'' signals.

Do we collect user data for remarketing?

No, we don't collect user data for remarketing.

Do we send email newsletters to our users?

No, we don't send any newsletters.

Do we have the following on our website?

Third party advertisements such as Google Adsense.
Links to other websites.

Do we sell products or services on our website?

No, we don't sell anything.

Do we want our privacy policy to be compliant with GDPR (European Union General Data Protection Regulation)?

Yes, include required disclosure to be compliant with GDPR.

What kind of responsive action will we take if we have a data breach?

Post a notification on bottom of privacy policy.

Will we disclose user information to law enforcement agencies upon lawful requests?

Yes, we will disclose information upon lawful request.

Will we share information in the event of a business sale or merger?

Yes, we will share information with the purchaser.

How will we notify users of this policy updates?

Update the modification date at the bottom of the privacy policy page.

updated :- 5 Feb 2019

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