


Collar bone, Beauty bone.

Anatomical position

  • It extends laterally and horizontally at the root of the neck

Side Determination 

1. Flattend end laterally.
2. Medial two-third of clavicle is convex anteriorly.
3. Rough area on the lateral side faces inferiorly.

Special Features 

  • It is only long bone which lies horizontally.
  • It has no medullary cavity (Bone marrow).
  • It is the first bone to ossifies in the body ( second bone to ossifies Mandible).
  • Almost whole clavicle visible through skin can be palpable.
  • It has the only long bone which has two primary center of ossification.
  • It has only long bone which ossifies in membrane.

Anterior aspect of clavicle, Posterior aspect of clavicle, Clavicle
General features of right clavicle (a) Superior aspect (b) Inferior aspect


It has 2 ends (Medial or Sternal, Lateral or Acromial end) and a shaft.

Lateral end 

  • It is flattend from above downwards.
  • It articulate with the acromian process of scapula to form acromioclavicular joint.

Medial end

  • It articulate with the sternum ( Manubrium sterni ) to form a joint which is called Sternoclavicular joint.
  • It receives attachment of interaclavicular ligament.


It is divided into two parts anatomically...
1. Lateral one-third of clavicle.
2. Medial two-third of clavicle.

Lateral one-third of clavicle

  • It is flattend from above downwards.
  • It has 2 surfaces ( Superior and Inferior ) and 2 borders ( Anterior and Posterior ).

Superior Surface

  • It is subcutaneous.

Inferior Surface

  • It has coroid tubercle and trapizoid ridge, which gives attachment to the coroid and trapizoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament.

Anterior Border

  • It is concave anteriorly.
  • It provide attachment to the deltoid muscle.

Posterior Surface

  • It is convex backwards.
  • It gives attachment to the trapizeus.

Medial two-third of clavicle

  • It is quadrilateral in shape.
  • It has 4 surfaces ( Anterior, Posterior, Superior and Inferior ).

Anterior Surface

  • It is convex forwards.
  • It receives attachment of clavicular head of pectoralis major.

Posterior Surface

  • It is concave backwards.
  • It related to the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein and brachiocephalic vein.
  • Sternohyoid muscles originate from here.

Superior Surface

  • The clavicular head of  sterno cleido mastoid originate from this surface.

Inferior Surface

  • Several ligament attach on this surface like costoclavicular ligament and clavipectoral fascia.
  • Nutrient foramen also present on this surface, nutrient artery of clavicle passes though it.
Muscles attachment of clavicle, Clavicle
Attachment of the right clavicle (a) Superior aspect (b) Inferior aspect


  • It ossifies from 2 primary and one secondary center ( Primary center appear during 5-6th week of intrauterine life for for shaft. Secondary center appear in puberty).

Ossification of clavicle, Clavicle


  • Most common fracture in this bone in road accident.
  • Weight loss of a patient can be assist clavicle. 


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