Hyperglycemia ( Diabetes Mellitus )

Hyperglycemia ( Diabetes Mellitus )

It is the condition which is characterized by increase level of sugar in blood that is...
1. Fasting level is more then 140 mg /dl
2. After meal the blood sugar level is more than 200 mg /dl

While normal blood sugar level is
In fasting condition : 70 - 110 mg/dl
After meal : 140 mg/dl


  • Hyperglycemia ( increase blood sugar level )
  • Glucosuria ( presence of sugar in urine )
  • Polyuria ( frequent urination )
  • Polydipsia ( increase thirst )
  • Muscles wasting ( muscle dysfunction )


  • Development of atheroma ( degeneration of wall of the arteries due to fatty deposit and scar tissue )
  • Nephropathy ( kidney disease or damage )
  • Retinopathy ( any damage of retina of the eye )

Types of diabetes mellitus

1. IDDM ( Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus )

It occurs due to the absence of insulin or non functioning of beta cells.

2. Non IDDM ( Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus )

In this disease insulin are present normally but there is defect between receptor and target cells.


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