
Showing posts from August, 2020


Name :- Nucleus (Nucleus was first described by Robert Brown in 1831, and it's material stained by the basic dyes was given the name chromatin by Flemming.) Properties : It is the largest cellular organelle. Generally located in the center of the cell but it may vary in some cells. It's diameter is about 10µ to 22µ. Mostly it is spherical in shape but it may vary in some cells. Nucleus occupies about 10% of total volume of the cell. It is present in all the cells in the body except RBCs. The cells with nucleus called eukaryotes  and without nucleus called prokaryotes . Presence of nucleus is necessary for cell division. Most of the cells have only one nucleus called uninucleated cells. Few types of cells like skeletal muscle have many nuclei called multinucleated cells . Structure Of Nucleus : Nuclear membrane Major components like nucleoplasm, chromatin, chromosomes and nucleolus.   1. Nuclear Membrane (NM) : NM is double layered membrane called nuclear envelope, separates the

Robbins Basic Pathology (10th edition)

 Robbins Basic Pathology (10th edition) CONTENTS ... Chapter : 01 - The Cell is a Unit of Health And Disease (P-001) Chapter : 02 - Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations (P-031) Chapter : 03 - Inflammation and Repair (P-057) Chapter : 04 - Haemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolism, and Shock (P-097) Chapter : 05 - Disease of the Immune System (P-121) Chapter : 06 - Neoplasia (P-189) Chapter : 07 - Genetic and Pediatric Disease (P-243) Chapter : 08 - Environmental and Nutritional Disease (P-299) Chapter : 09 - General Pathology Of Infectious Diseases (P-341) Chapter : 10 - Blood Vessels (P-361) Chapter : 11 - Heart (P-399) Chapter : 12 - Haematopoietic and Lymphoid System (P-441) Chapter : 13 - Lung (P-495) Chapter : 14 - Kidney and It's Collecting System (P-549) Chapter : 15 - Oral Cavities and Gastrointestinal Tract (P-583) Chapter : 16 - Liver and Gallbladder (P-637) Chapter : 17 - Pancreas (P-679) Chapter : 18 - Male Genital System and Lower Urinary Tract (P-691) Chapter : 19 -