
Name : Mitochondrion ( plural - mitochondria), power house of the cell.

Properties : 
  • It is membrane bounded cytoplasmic organelle.
  • It's shape rod or oval, and diameter 0.5 - 1.0 micrometer.
  • It covered bilayered membrane 
    • Outer membrane : is smooth and encloses the contents of mitochondrion as well various enzymes such as acetyl-CoA synthetase, glycerophosphate, acetyltranferase.
    • Inner membrane : is folded in the form of shelf-like inward projection called cristae (crista). Cristae contain many enzymes and other protein molecules which helps in functioning. (Functions + enzymes + protein molecules in cristae = respiratory chain or electron transport chain). Enzymes of respiratory chains are 4-8 in list below.  
  • It's DNA contain 37 gene.
  • It responsible for maternal child relation.
  • It contains many enzymes and protein.
  • Increase no of mitochondria by the exercise.
  • It is the site of aerobic respiration

Enzymes and protein : 
  1. Acetyl CoA synthesase.
  2. Glycerol phosphate.
  3. Acetyl transferase.
  4. Succinic dehydrogenase .
  5. Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase .
  6. Cytochrome oxidase.
  7. Cytochrome -C
  8. ATP synthase.
Functions : 
  1. Self replication .
  2. Production of cellular energy and synthesis of ATP (that's by known as "power house" of the cell).
  3. Apoptosis 
  4. Storage of calcium
  5. Detoxification of ammonia in liver

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