Mumps (Parotitis)

Mumps / Parotitis

Definition : It is an acute highly infectious viral disease caused by a myxovirus characterised by one or both parotid gland swelling and sometime associated with constitutional symptoms like fever, headache, malaise etc.

Agent : Myxovirus Parotiditis ( it is a RNA virus of the myxovirus family). These virus has affinity with glandular and nervous tissue. These virus can affects parotid gland. testes, ovaries, pancreas and nervous system.
Source Of Infection : Case - clinical and subclinical ( 30-40% of all cases).
Infective Materials : Oropharyngeal secretions, Saliva, Blood, Milk and CSF.
Period Of Communicability : 4-5 days before onset of symptoms and till swelling subside.

Age : It can affects in any age but usually age is 5-15 years (severe in adults).
Sex : Equal effects on both sexes.
Immunity : Life long immunity, after single attack.
Secondary Attack Rate : 86%

Season : Throughout the year but more cases seen in winter and spring season.
Areas : Over crowding areas.

Mode Of Transmission : Direct droplet, direct contact and fomite borne.
Incubation Period : 2-4 weeks (usually 14-18 days).


  1. Pain and swelling in either or both the parotid glands but sometime may be involve sublingual and submandibular glands.
  2. Pain and stiffness at the opening of the mouth, before the swelling of the glands.
  3. Fever and headache (in severe cases ).

  1. Orchitis ( inflammation of testicles ).
  2. Ovaritis / oophoritis ( inflammation of an ovary).
  3. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).
  4. Meningo-encephalitis ( inflammation of brain and surrounding tissue).
  5. Thyroiditis (inflammation of thyroid gland).
  6. Neuritis ( inflammation of a nerve or PNS).
  7. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver).
  8. Myocarditis (inflammation of the middle layer of the heart wall).

i. Vaccination :
  • Live attenuated vaccine - single dose 0.5 ml / intramuscular.
  • Combined vaccine (MMR - Measles, Mumps and Rubella) - given any age.
ii. Diagnosis :
  • Check immunoglobulins level ( IgM, IgG).
  • Isolation of mumps virus from saliva, urine and cerebrospinal fluid.
iii. Symptomatic treatment or NSAIDs (acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

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