

Definition - It is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis and characterised in three clinical forms i.e. cutaneous (Hide porters disease), intestinal and pneumonic (Wool sorter’s disease). It is mainly considered in occupational disease.

Agents -
AGENT - Bacillus anthracis (Gram –negative)
RESERVOIR OF INFECTION - Goat, Sheep and Cattle
SOURCE OF INFECTION - Animals, their skin and dust

Host factors -
AGE - All ages are susceptible, but more common 15-45 years
SEX - Male are more affected than female
OCCUPATION - Animal handlers, Hide porters (transporter of skin of animals) and wool sorters

Incubation Period - 4-7 days
Mode of Transmission - Direct contact with skin of animals, dust inhalation and oral transmission by consumption of contaminated meats

Clinical features -
(a) CUTANEOUS ANTHRAX – Malignant pustule, ulceration of skin with dark black base, painless non healing, often at the site of cuts or wounds. Sometimes may show edema at periphery.
(b) PNEUMONIC ANTHRAX - Cough with or without sputum, Shortness of breath and Dyspnoea.
(c) INTESTINAL ANTHRAX – Diarrhoea, Abdominal colic, Melena and Sign of toxaemia.

Treatment - Antibiotics, Prevention, Immunization of animals and Proper animal handling.

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