Test for glucosuria ( Benedict's reagent test )

Test for glucosuria ( Benedict's reagent test )

Glucosuria is define is the excretion of sugar in urine.


Benedict's reagent, Test tube, Urine, Lighter, Candle,


Cupric ion reduced by glucose to cuprous oxide and a coloured precipitate is formed.


  • In test tube take 5ml of benedict's reagent.
  • Add 8 drops or 0.5 ml urine.
  • Heat to boiling for two minutes.
  • Cool in water bath or running tap water.
  • Than look for colour change and precipitation.
Benedict's test, Aas,alfaaz-e-aas, test for glucosuria
Benedict's test


Normally 130 mg / day glucose comes out with urine.
  • Blue colour (no change colour ) = Negative
  • Greenish colour                          = Traces ( less than 0.5 g /day ).
  • Green / cloudy green ppt            = + ( 0.5 - 1 g/dl ).
  • Yellow ppt                                  = ++ ( 1-1.5 g / dl ).
  • Orange ppt                                  = +++ ( 1.5 - 2 g / 100ml ).
  • Brick ppt                                     = ++++ ( more than 2 g / dl ).
Test for glucosuria, Benedict's test, Aas, alfaaz-e-aas
Semiquantitative interpretation


  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Renal glucosuria
  • Severe burns
  • Administration of corticosteroids
  • Severe sepsis
  • Pregnancy


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