Organ of corti

Organ of CORTI

Organ of corti is the organ receptor for hearing. It is the neuro epithelial structure in cochlea. It rest's upon the  lip of osseous spiral lamina and the basilar membrane. it extent's through the cochlear duct, except for a short distance on either end.

The organ of corti is made up of sensory elements called the hear cells. All the cells of organ of corti are arranged in order from center to towards the periphery of cochlea.

  1. Border cells
  2. Inner hair cells
  3. Inner hair phalange cells
  4. Inner pillar cells
  5. Outer pillar cells
  6. Outer phalange cells
  7. Outer hair cells
  8. Cells of Hansen
  9. Cells of Dandies
  10. Tectorial membrane and lamina reticularis.

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