COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)

Definition - It is an acute highly infectious viral disease caused by SARS cov-2. It affects only respiratory system. Cases may be asymptomatic to severe and critical, 80% cases recover spontaneously and 15-20% cases are severe and critical and characterized by fever, non-productive cough, myalgia shortness of breath and  may show severe pneumonia even death.

Agent factors -
AGENT - novel coronavirus (SARS cov-2)
RESISTANCE - It resists at surface from few hours to several days depending upon the condition (e.g. temperature and humidity of the environment)

COVID-19, nCORONAVIRUS, coronavirus, #aasgaduli, respiratory diseases
Novel coronavirus

SOURCE OF INFECTION - Case - clinical and subclinical (80 % of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15 % are severe infection and 5 % are critical infection) (as per on that days data)
INFECTIVE MATERIAL - Oropharyngeal secretion, nasal secretion (research going on)
PERIOD OF COMMUNICABILITY - Starts before 24-48 hours appearance of symptoms till patient recover (research going on)

Host factors -
AGE - Older age and immunosuppressed persons are severely affects (but less affecting age is 0-19 years)... (research going on)
SEX - Equal effects on both sexes
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS - Environmental contamination, cold places and overcrowding area
IMMUNITY - No natural immunity (research going on)
MORTALITY RATE (MR) - 3-4 % till now
Mortality rate (MR) in different types of people
Types of patient
MR in %
Above 80 years of age
CVS diseased patients
Diabetic patients
Chronic respiratory disease

SECONDARY ATTACK RATE - 3-10 % estimate (research going on)

Mode of Transmission - Direct contact, droplet nuclei, fomite borne
Incubation Period - 5-6 days ( range 1-14 days)

Clinical features - 
ASYMPTOMATIC CASES - Few cases are reported asymptomatic
MILD TO MODERATE DISEASE (80 %) - Include non-pneumonia and pneumonia.
SEVERE DISEASE (14 %) - Dyspnoea and hypoxia
CRITICAL CASES (6 %) - Respiratory failure, septic shock and multiple organ failure
COMMON SYMPTOMS - Fever, tiredness, dry cough, some patient may have ache and pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea and in severe cases shows difficulty in breathing.

Corona, coronavirus, novel corona virus, covid-19, #aasgaduli
Clinical categorization

Prevention & control -
  • Early detection
  • Isolation
  • Vaccination (vaccine are under investigation till now)
  • Treatment - There is no specific treatment (only symptomatic treatment till now)
  • Sanitation

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